
What people are saying about us

I’m a long time associate of the Chairman and a fairly substantial shareholder. This doesn’t require any action, I just wanted to let you know that your good humoured organisation and lightness of touch is really appreciated by shareholders, or this one at least. Since your arrival on the scene there has been a marked upturn in the quality and frequency of shareholder/investor interactions.I hope the arrangement will continue for some time to come, to the benefit of all parties. Well done.

Stuart CraigPrivate Investor

Many thanks also to you and your team for guiding American West through to a successful listing.

John PrineasChairman, American West Metals

Thank you very much for the support this year, the well-handled social media engagement has made a significant impact.

Shaun DayChief Executive Officer, Greatland Gold

Huge thank you for the great work you have done and are doing for Gold50. A solid team effort. We appreciate the support, and the timely and sage advice. You are great partners to work with.

Mark WallaceManaging Director, Gold50

You and your team have been a wonderful find. The support, proactive thought such as below are all wonderful aspects of the relationship. Over time with the advancement of Havieron and full funding we will build value and I’m looking forward to working with you all through that journey.

Shaun DayChief Executive Officer, Greatland Gold

Great work by Investability. Really impressed. Your commitment to the company is unquestionable.

Arvind MisraManaging Director, Belararox
With Dannika’s help, who’s just the best investor relations person I’ve come across after 30 years of running companies, we have got the message across well.
Alistair CowdenFormer Chairman, Leo Lithium

A huge thank you to Investability for making our event a success! I think we were at 13 people registered before you both took control. We ended up with over 700 registered! Superb!

Roger BruerInvestment Analyst, Arlington Group Asset Management

The video interview and promotion was excellent. It’s always great getting the Hammer story out to more investors, there’s no doubt the exposure has contributed to the upwards trend that we’ve seen.

Daniel ThomasManaging Director, Hammer Metals

I really appreciate your hard work. It’s pleasing to see the results reflected in the new retail investors entering the register over the past two weeks. Well done executing the digital strategy. We appreciate the support, and you are great partners to work with.

Geraint HarrisManaging Director, Altamin

Thank you Dannika and the Investability Team! We have really enjoyed working with you and appreciate the high quality of work that you offer to us and our clients. Will be happy to keep making recommendations if you can keep up!

Adam MiethkeManaging Director, Discovery Capital

Further to my message yesterday, thank you again for the excellent IR support you and the Investability team are providing to Fenix.Lots of positive feedback from yesterday’s announcement, presentation, and content on various channels including the webinar. Well done!

John WelbornChairman, Fenix Resources

All I can say is wow! The website looks absolutely a-ma-zing. Thank you so much for your work on this it really does showcase our story very well and the look and feel is bang up to date. My personal favourite page is the Publications, what a great space to collect all the supportive narratives. Thank
you very much once again and well done.

Geraint HarrisManaging Director, Altamin

Hi Dannika – I was asking who does Firefinch’s PR (and more specifically the socials/retail etc) which FFX does exceptionally, and Mike mentioned your outfit was one of top two in country!

Brock SalierManaging Director, SCP Resource Finance

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