Up close and personal with

Dannika Warburton

I was born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia to a mining engineer father (so I have mining in my blood) and grew up in Perth.  With an outgoing personality, a love of wordsmithing, a degree in Commerce (majoring in marketing and PR) and a stint as an investment banker – it was little surprise perhaps that I ended up where I am – running an investor relations and financial PR agency – and I honestly couldn’t think of anything I would prefer to do, I love it. I’m love working with great people, entrepreneurs and growth companies to identify with engage with and attract investors and stakeholders and help them fulfil their ambitions. From my time on the institutional buy and sell side, I have significant transaction experience, including IPOs, M&A activity and equity fundraises, and offer our clients strategic advice on how to communicate to key stakeholders effectively.


If I could have three people at a dinner party, they would be…

Hard one… maybe Ricky Gervais, Charlie Munger and Kayne West? Not sure if they would all get along…


Podcast or book recommendation?

Podcast – My First Million (Australian Investors Podcast is good for personal finance and the We Study Billionaires episode on Investing Amid Uncertainty with Joel Greenblatt, Bill Miller, Howard Marks and Francoise Rochon is also a great listen).

Book – Bending Reality by Victoria Song; Zero to One by Peter Thiel; Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.


Quote or mantra I live by:

“Supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen yours.”


Out of office, you’ll find me… 

Probably working. Likely whilst playing music too loudly. Or going to Pilates or spin class, strolling through Trumper Park in Paddington (where I live), catching up with friends, or visiting family and my chihuahua Hemingway in Margaret River.



Investor Relations
We help great companies get investors
🌎 Global client base
📈 Private, IPO & Listed Companies
🤓 IR / Financial PR

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